Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why Having Fun Can Drastically Help Your Baseball Game

            I know that this sounds extremely silly and cliché, and like something your mom would tell you when she drops you off for a little league game. However, I have found that it is easiest to play and succeed in the game of baseball when I’m having a good time.

            I always notice that the teams that look the smoothest on defense, and don’t miss their good pitches to hit, are the ones that seem to have the closest bond and having the most fun. You notice when they warm up and when they’re in the dugout, they‘re just having a good time playing the game of baseball, and they usually end up winning.

            One thing that I love about my team is that my coach is very involved. He sets up a lot of practices during the off season, and he also sets up a lot of get together’s that have nothing to do with baseball, just team bonding, and that is a very important component to success. You need to be able to cheer for your friends who are also your teammates when you play, it’ll make you happier to be there, and when everyone cheers you on, it helps you perform better.

            You can’t be selfish when you play baseball. You can’t think of it as a job, or a way to be popular because you can hit homeruns. Your main goal when you play baseball should be to win. Sure it’s great if you get a couple hits and some nice defensive plays, but a guy that can sacrifice bunt is just as important as the guy that got on base. Your team should celebrate wins by congratulating everybody, because everybody played a part in that win no matter how small.

            When you walk up to the plate with your teammates cheering you on, it helps you relax and you get a nice fluid swing in. When everyone tells you good job when you make a defensive play it makes you want to do it again. Team baseball is simply the best kind of baseball.

            This is probably the most important aspect of your game, however you can check out my other posts to improve on the other parts of your game. Thank you for reading, and always remember that a team player is the best player.


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